New York
New Jersey

This is a show calendar primarily for DIY events in the tri-state area. For a kind of community where most things are passed by verbal tradition, the height of the pandemic severely damaged the exchange of community history and practical knowledge while the decay of the state continues to keep these wounds open. In the absence of the funding and capital which drives commercial music ventures, knowledge and meaningful connections are what allow many who organize the arts on a $0 budget to keep going. This calendar aims to be a community driven tool for organizers, bands, artists, and general community members who wish to stay informed about what spaces are active and about what bands are playing.

This website also hopes to be an archive. So many shows and bands are lost in the now unsearchable Facebook events graveyard, dead websites, or a pile of print fliers sitting in someone's house. Any day now Instagram will make itself somehow less useful for retrieving information and I would not like to wait until that happens. While there is not currently any infrustructure for viewing older shows on the website, it is in the works and should go live with a bit more time. If you want to submit old shows, zines, or whatever else you think is important to scene history, shoot me an email and we can talk about how to best do that.

The site is currently run by one person and any kind of help in the way of web or graphic design would be appreciated, even if it is just unsolicited advice. I am not really a web designer nor am I much of a programmer. You can reach me via email

Submit a show

DIY is a very loose and non-permanent label (a band that is DIY today might not be in a year's time), so this calendar will be very broad about what goes on it. I am based in New Jersey, so much of what will end up on the calendar without submission will be from NJ, Philly, and NYC. Please submit anything outside this region as long as it remains in the tri-state area. Feel free to reach out for help getting started on a calendar for your region.
Submission form

Made with the resources prepared by Chia Amisola for the Philippine Internet Archive